Jivan Mukta PhD. was born in Chile. He is a Lead Trainer of Kundalini Yoga and a traveling teacher, trainer and counselor.
In the earlier moments of his journey he spontaneously experienced transformative events that stimulated his path to provide healing. In 2005, he was inspired by Yogi Bhajan to do this type of service “out of love”, a key ingredient of all healing work and spiritual guidance.
In 2012, Jivan Mukta designed and launched “Meditative Healing Program™” that is accredited by IKYTA (the International Kundalini Yoga Teachers Association) as a Specialty course. This program has already served the destinies of healing students in more than five countries in Europe during the last years.
Jivan Mukta is also trained as a Political Scientist and Historian in his home country, as well as a Doctor of Religious Studies in the University of Helsinki. He has published several articles on spirituality, yoga and healing.
He is married and a father of two children, and from 2011 he has been part of several projects to teach Kundalini Yoga & spiritual living for men. In 2015, he developed the education Total Man Training™ also accredited by IKYTA and first launched in China and Estonia.