My first contact with Kundalini Yoga was in 2001 (via Marika Blossfeldt). In 2008, I graduated from the London Karam Kriya International Yoga School Level 1, and in Autumn 2016, from Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Level 2. Since August 2007, I have taught regular Kundalini Yoga classes and conducted Kundalini Yoga beginners’ courses. I have graduated from the Holistic Institute among the 1st graduating class (with Marina Paula Eberth) and worked also as a regression therapist for 12 years; I have finished Sat Nam Rasayan (meditative healing) Level 1 training (with Gurudev Singh (Italy), Annika Akal (Sweden), Fateh Singh (Spain) in Finland; studied Karam Kriya numerology for 3 years (the last 2 years to become a numerologist advisor, with Hari Krishnan Singh (the Netherlands), Meherbani Kaur (Italy), Ardas Singh (Spain), Sat Karam Singh (Sweden)); taken complementary studies in Gordon’s School; 1-year-long deep breathing courses (with Lena Kristina Tuulse, Sweden); as well as anatomy and physiology (dr. Toomas Põld and Ege Johanson, FT, PhD). I have had contact also with systematic family therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, psychopathology, psychopharmacology, family constellation technique (with Yena Maria Andersen, Denmark), Five Rhythm Dance methodology (Berit Hague, Sweden/Norway), tantra (Moses Maimon, Prem Santoshi (Spain, Cathryn Jiggens (GB); Theta Healing (Nurit Nevo, Sigal Granot-Oved (Israel), etc. I have started studying at ATA (Aquarian Trainer Academy) with the aim of training Level 1 yoga teachers.
My path of self-development has been influenced by Buddhism, transpersonal psychology and shamanism in the beginning, but currently, I am fully committed to investigating the vastly rich teachings of Kundalini Yoga and Yogi Bhajan. On my path, I have been blessed to gain guidance from my spiritual teacher Shiv Charan Singh.
I am a member of IKYTA (International Kundalini Yoga Teacher Association); one of the founding and active members of Estonian Kundalini Yoga Teachers Association (IKYTA Estonia).
From the moment I started consciously thinking, I have had an irresistible urge to find out who I am, where do I come from and where I am going to? I have never really been able to accept the Darwinian concept of humans being the descendants of monkeys; there has always been the feeling and knowing that there is more to it…
Through searching I have reached a personal experience and understanding that we are all connected – the microcosmos contains macro cosmos and the other way around; if you wish to change something in your life, change yourself first; that similarities attract; what we suppress, grows within us and drains us empty of energy; in order to release something, you need to face the problem and transform it; our inner reality is reflected in the outer reality and we meet projections that we have created by ourselves; we can never change somebody outside of us, only ourselves; if you wish to be free, let go of any attachments, etc.
Yogi Bhajan, PhD, has written that happiness is every human’s birthright. Not a privilege, birthright. I am honoured to be your guide on that path.